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BSN-DNP Personal Statement Bilingual Latina

Updated: Feb 16

Nurse in blue scrubs with mask and stethoscope checks a patient in a hospital room. Monitors show vital signs; mood is focused and calm.
A bilingual Latina nurse provides attentive care to a patient, displaying her commitment and expertise in a clinical setting, as she advances towards her BSN-DNP in nursing.

I especially love being a bilingual Spanish/English nurse because of the great need that exists here in the USA for dedicated and well-trained professionals on the front lines of service to the underserved, those with the greatest, often life-threatening needs; and those who also tend to receive the lowest levels of attention. Many if not most of the underserved where I live in Miami speak Spanish as a first language and not much English. Thus, the ability of the caregiver to provide that care in Spanish saves lives. I hope to be accepted to your highly competitive BSN-DNP Nurse Anesthesia Program at the University of ____ for this reason, and the fact that I am a very dedicated, hardworking, and experienced nurse with a great passion for medical missionary activity in Latin America.

My first medical mission to the Dominican Republic as a nursing student left me hungry for more; and I hope to continue returning to Latin America and the Caribbean for the balance of my professional lifetime, as my career progresses. My missionary activity so far has provided me with the most memorable moments of my life which I will always savor. One little boy about 4 years old in the DR had retinoblastoma and needed surgery that his parents could simply not afford. When we returned to Miami, we raised the money for his surgery and the feeling was especially wonderful.

A nurse in blue scrubs and mask checks a monitor in an operating room. A patient lies on a table with medical equipment. Monitors display vitals.
A bilingual Latina nurse in blue scrubs prepares to attend to a patient in a high-tech medical setting, embodying dedication, and expertise in her pursuit of a DNP degree.

Born and raised in Colombia, I came to the USA in 2000. By 2009, I had earned my associate degree and was working as a Nurse’s Assistant, following several years working as a Medical Assistant. I began serving as an RN in 2010. I am thankful for the experience of having spent my first four years 2010-2014 serving in a Med-Surg Orthopedic Unit. I especially enjoyed my service to our Evidence Practice Council (2011-2014). I next spent one year in Telemetry and then two years doing observations at our Chest Pain Center. Since 2016, I have been serving in our multispecialty Critical Care Unit. Earning my BSN last year, 2017, was another milestone that has left me very fired up for graduate school in nursing. I earned my Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification (CMSRN) and I am working hard at acquiring my CCRN. I also retook a Statistics course so that none of my coursework would be older than five years.

I did a lot of volunteering before moving to the USA in 2000, mostly with the Colombian Red Cross. I visited rural areas to educate young mothers on how to make electrolytes to keep their babies hydrated in case of diarrhea. I taught them how to make toys from old socks and small brown bags. I also volunteered with a foundation, (Children of the Andes) in my hometown, Manizales, Caldas, Colombia. They help young children that live in the streets or the sewers, providing them with a place to live, adequate nutrition, medical care, rehabilitation, and education. I was part of a group that was going to pick up children from the sewers every 2-3 weeks. I still send in my donation each month.

I look forward to a long lifetime of service as a mentor for younger generations, inspiring them to pursue their dreams and to continue studying, always with an eye on the central goal of giving what one can back to society. For my part, as befits a CRNA, I want to give back by going on medical missions. First, I hope to be selected to complete the Program in Nurse Anesthesia at the University of XXXX and become a CRNA. Next, I look forward to several more years of long hours acquiring additional practice experience. Eventually, I hope to return to my studies at some point on a doctoral level so as to prepare myself for ongoing, lifelong advancement and teaching on the university/college level in addition to ongoing research.

I had my first encounter with a CRNA encounter as a volunteer rescue worker following the earthquake that hit Armenia in 1999. I was trying to fix some tents for kids and make hot meals at the same time for people that had lost everything because of the earthquake. At that time, I was not even aware that nurses could become advanced practitioners and provide anesthesia on their own. This CRNA was there as a part of a medical mission to help the victims of the earthquake. I asked her as many questions as I could to learn more about her role and I was fascinated with her knowledge and all the things she told me she did for her patients.

Two surgeons in blue scrubs and masks operate in a hospital room. Medical equipment displays data in the background. Focused mood.
A bilingual Latina nurse confidently works in a high-tech medical setting, exemplifying dedication, and expertise as she pursues her BSN-DNP journey.

My first job as a Nurse was in the Med-Surg Orthopedic Unit where I had the opportunity to grow as a nurse, interacting with many anesthesia providers daily for more than two years. This helped me to come to a fuller appreciation of the critical role of the CRNA and I became increasingly impressed with their vast level of knowledge and the professionalism they showed. I also had the opportunity to act as a Co-chair for the Ortho Unit’s Practice Council where I helped to develop various projects to increase both patient and employment satisfaction as well as helping underserved members of our community.

I continue to work as much as I can with ____, collecting school supplies for children in Central America, and Pampers, wipes, and toiletries collections for orphaned children in the Caribbean as well as Miami.

My experience as an Orthopedic nurse has cultivated my long-term special interest in pain management, keeping patients comfortable and safe. I will be taking a Biochemistry class this coming summer where I look forward to learning many things that will also help me to hit the ground running and excel.

I thank you for considering my application to the BSN-DNP Program in Nurse Anesthesia at the University of ____.

BSN-DNP Personal Statement Bilingual Latina

Hispanic or Latinx applicants to nurse anesthesia are accepted in greater numbers than they have in the general population. This is because of the great need that exists for Medical and Nursing care for Spanish speakers, for many of them, it is a matter of life and death. Spanish speaking nurses clearly can save lives, providing a vital and critical line of communication with a patient who is only able to communicate in this language, and there are many of them. One of North America's most shining achievements has been to create a healthcare system that turns few people away even if they are unable to pay. There are eleven million undocumented people in America, the vast majority Spanish speakers who are overwhelmingly poor with no insurance, with many speaking little to no English.

BSN-DNP Personal Statement Bilingual Latina

While I would enjoy talking to my clients on the telephone, I need your information in text form . Since I am always working with several different clients at the same time, if I took the information over the phone, I might tend to confuse your stories.

Thanks for submitting!

Note: The samples posted on this web site are anonymous and always more than two years old at the time of posting.


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