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Personal Statement Nurse Anesthesia ____ University.

Updated: Feb 16


The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program in Nurse Anesthesia appeals to those who want to be both skilled practitioners and dedicated advocates for underserved communities. This example focuses on an applicant with experience in ICU and crisis nursing who is motivated by the healthcare disparities they have witnessed. Their goal is to become a CRNA to serve underserved populations, particularly in rural areas, where access to care can be limited. This personal statement highlights a commitment to advocacy, resilience in high-stakes environments, and an appreciation for holistic care.

Personal Statement Nurse Anesthesia

Surgeons in blue scrubs and masks perform surgery under bright lights. Medical tools on a table. Focused and collaborative mood.
A dedicated nurse anesthesia team collaborates during a complex surgical procedure, highlighting the critical role of specialized training and teamwork in patient care.

The Doctor of Nursing Practice Program in Nurse Anesthesia at ____ University is my first choice among DNP programs because of your pioneering efforts in rural health and on behalf of the underserved. I want to become an anesthesia provider who advocates for underserved patients in rural areas. Healthcare disparities sadden me and make me highly motivated to make tangible contributions to improving access, particularly for the underserved and especially in rural areas. 


I began my nursing career in the Transplant Surgical Intensive Care Unit at Georgetown University Hospital, specializing in the postsurgical care of patients following organ transplants. This patient population tested my ability to comprehend and manage complex morbidities, such as hemodynamic instability, coagulation disorders, and electrolyte imbalances. I always listened especially intently as the anesthesia provider would explain their role in optimizing the patient for surgery. I rejoiced when each patient recovered and left the hospital with a new chance at life. 


Doctors in scrubs perform surgery under bright lights. Surgical tools and focused expressions create a serious, professional atmosphere.
A dedicated team of medical professionals collaborates in the operating room, embodying the precision and care integral to nurse anesthesia.

After assisting in establishing a COVID-19 ICU at Georgetown Hospital in 2020, I went to work for FEMA in Texas to fight the full force of the pandemic as a crisis nurse in a special ICU created just for COVID-19 patients, from December 2020 through February of 2021. In the fight against COVID-19, I quickly identified the need for a uniform method of proning ventilated patients, using a collaborative approach in a resource-strained environment such as ours, protecting the patient from iatrogenic and other complications. I assisted the unit practice council in formulating a policy with clear team guidelines that included suggested tactics in case of specific difficulties. The procedure was implemented throughout the ICU. As a team, we were thus able to improve patient safety and the efficiency of the intervention.

South Texas suffered disproportionately from COVID-19 primarily because most residents are people of color. While the issues were complex, the disparities were glaring, and similar inequalities were observed in rural vs. non-rural areas. This improved my Spanish because I used it every day.  


As a deeply spiritual person, I have found that many patients and their family members welcome expressions of religious faith and prayer in the hospital. When invited, I excel at this since it comes naturally from my heart and helps comfort my patients. Medicine’s beauty extends to caring for the whole person, mind, body, and spirit.  

Surgeons in blue scrubs perform surgery under bright lights. Focused expressions, tools, and teamwork create a concentrated atmosphere.
A dedicated surgical team collaborates in the operating room, reflecting the precision and care integral to the field of nurse anesthesia.

During the worst of COVID-19, I volunteered to work twenty-eight shifts every month for six months, which I saw as my duty. I want to improve access to care for the underserved by working in underserved communities in rural areas where CRNAs are allowed to practice with increasing autonomy. I see ODU as the perfect program for in-depth exposure and analysis of the needs of marginalized rural communities. I also especially respect and admire how the faculty in Nursing at ODU joins in promoting legislative initiatives to help protect vulnerable populations. The clinical sites associated with ODU include independent CRNA practice sites, which is especially important to me.  


Thank you for considering my application to Nurse Anesthesia at ____ University.


This applicant knows what areas of nursing they want to specialize in, and they have picked out a particular program to apply to specifically because it is strong in those areas in which she wants to focus, rural health and the underserved. The admission committee will appreciate the fact that they did their homework and is conscientiously applying for the program with which they are the best fit.

Detailed Analysis
This personal statement is strong in several key areas:
  • Clear Alignment with Program Mission

    By focusing on ____ University’s commitment to rural and underserved populations, the applicant demonstrates research and genuine interest in the program's unique offerings. This alignment strengthens their application and shows they’ve thoughtfully chosen this DNP program.

  • Relevant ICU and Crisis Care Experience

    The applicant’s background in ICU and transplant care demonstrates their capability in managing high-risk, complex cases—crucial skills for CRNAs. Experience in resource-constrained environments, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, showcases adaptability and crisis management, which CRNA programs highly value.

  • Initiative and Leadership in Policy Development

    The applicant’s role in creating a standardized procedure during the COVID-19 crisis demonstrates initiative, leadership, and a commitment to patient safety and team collaboration. The ability to devise solutions under pressure highlights qualities that are essential in nurse anesthesia.

  • Advocacy for Healthcare Equity

    The applicant’s commitment to addressing healthcare disparities is both genuine and consistent, with specific examples from South Texas where disparities were prominent. Their personal connection to advocacy through the CRNA role will likely resonate with the admissions committee.

Suggestions for Improvement:
  • Clarity and Specificity on Long-Term Goals

    While the applicant clearly expresses a desire to improve access to care in underserved and rural areas, specifying how they plan to contribute as a CRNA (e.g., mobile clinics, community health initiatives, or legislative advocacy) would add depth. Concrete goals could provide the admissions committee with a clearer picture of the applicant’s career vision.

  • Highlighting Adaptability with Examples

    The applicant references their resilience by mentioning demanding shifts during COVID-19. Adding more specifics about the challenges faced during those shifts, such as working with limited staff or equipment, would underscore their adaptability under high pressure.


What should I include in my personal statement for a Nurse Anesthesia program?

Focus on clinical experience, personal motivation, and a demonstrated understanding of the program's unique offerings.

How can I highlight my strengths effectively?

How long should my personal statement be?

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Personal Statement Nurse Anesthesia

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Note: The samples posted on this web site are anonymous and always more than two years old at the time of posting.


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